Wednesday, December 12, 2012


My newest painting! I took photos during spring break in Florida and fell in love with the sandpipers and herons down there. This watercolor came out better than I thought it would and won me a prize in the OAG all member show!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wonderful weekend

I had a wonderful weekend which started out with the new river park opening. It is quite a change. Three bands were playing and we sang along with a lady playing a piano. The next day we took two grandkids down to inspect the new playground and splash park and watch the airshow. It was quite a show!

Monday, March 26, 2012

I went on a photo walk in Newburgh, IN Saturday with some other photographers. We had a great time and there was plenty of photo ops. The unseasonally warm weather has all the flowers popping out and killing my allergies. I love Spring!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The neighbor's tree was blooming so pretty on the first day of spring and I had to get out and photograph some flowers. I'm still learning how to use my macro lens, so I need lots of practice. The wind was blowing my red tulips too much to get a good shot. I couldn't believe they had popped out so fast when I had only noticed the buds that morning but it was in the 80's all day.
The redbud by the back shed is gorgeous, too. I can't believe how fast it has grown. The old redbud that was in the middle of the back yard had rotted out because of all the standing water in the spring. Now I need to replace the pink dogwood that died, too. I have no idea why it gave it up. We lost a dogwood and the apple tree to the tornado in 2000 and the two peach trees to the big ice storm a couple of years ago. The back yard still looks like a jungle, so why am I worried. lol I looked outside the bedroom window this morning and the lilac bush is in full bloom. I will have to bring some in to smell up the place. I love the smell of lilacs! It brings back fond memories of my childhood in Kansas. The redbud and dogwood remind of trips to the Ozarks to see the trees in the spring. Grandma and Grandad instilled in the love of travel and camping. Right now I'm looking forward to a trip to the Florida beach with our little camper, which is so much more sophisticated than the tent and dutch oven we used back then. Now I have a bathroom and TV and laptop and digital camera. I am so spoiled and loving it!

Monday, March 19, 2012

What a beautiful weekend! I had to paint my toenails and get out the sandals. Woohoo! My sinuses tell me the pollen count is high but I have to get out to take some photos of all the spring flowers. I stop at a garage sale to get my fix and then head to the park but it too windy to be taking macro. You can see my hand trying to hold it still. lol So I head to Walmart to finish up my Easter shopping, black jelly beans and chocolate bunnies. I love spring! Saturday house cleaning is waiting at home. Yuck! Sunday, at church I paint Jesus on the cross, will post photo later after a few touchups. Ginger calls after church on Sunday to see if I want to come to a picnic. I grab my camera and head out the door to enjoy sunshine and grandkids.
Oh, the pure joy of being a kid!
Another wonderful weekend!! Garage sales, shopping, taking photos, church family, grandkid time, and just veggin' on the couch, eating popcorn and watching March madness. Why does Monday have to come so-o fast?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

 The old dried seed pod is still on the rose of sharon bush while the forsythia is blooming a sunshiny yellow and brightening up my back yard. This is causing my spring fever to break out, along with the anticipation of the trip to a white sandy beach in Florida in a few weeks. I can sing for joy today for the renewal of life the buds on the lilac promise as well as the red peony buds showing up under the dry stalks of last years foliage. The daffodils are almotst done and the pink hyacinths are blooming except for the one the squirrels bit off. Pesky rodents, running across the roof when I'm trying to sleep. That's what I get for having two huge oak trees in the front yard. The mourning dove is sitting on the window sill singing their song, just like they did at Grandma's house when I was a kid. They are a new addition to the yard this year. I may have to get another cat. I'm busy painting today, a picture of a country road with the prodigal son coming home. The show deadline is fast approaching, so everything else takes a backseat to this priority for now. The tulip trees are calling me to take photos before a frost turns them brown. Soon, I'll get out there and play.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's my hubby's birthday today, so I will bake him chocolate cake tonight and throw a party for him tomorrow night. He's lost at least 15 pounds since this photo was taken last year and looking more like the braw laddie I married 24 years ago. We are celebrating our 25 year anniversary this year and will first take a trip to the Florida beach this month for the honeymoon we didn't get years ago. We are planning on renewing our vows this year at the Glasgow, KY highland games with our Clan Donald family. We are also going to Vegas with the church friends next month. I wanted to get some of my bucket list taken care of before we both get too old to move off our new couch with recliners at both ends. It has brought us back together in the same room watching tv and playing on our laptops. We'll see if it survives the party tomorrow. The last party we had the couch got broken in the middle of a game of catch phrase. lol My chest hurt from laughing so much! We'll see if this party is tamer.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 2, 2012 Tornado Warning

Friday's photo of the storm going through Owensboro. Schools had closed early and my office let us leave at 2 when the tornado sirens were going off. This was taken from my daughter's house where I could run in when the wind gusts and hail started. I never did see a tail but the greenish cast was there.  I did see rotation in the clouds above us. Pretty exciting for a girl that grew up in tornado alley.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's 69 degrees today and cloudy. I'm hoping for some pink in the sky tonight so I can go chasing after a great sunset photo. I've missed a couple of nights of pink sky and it about kills me to have to keep on doing something I need to do instead of drop everything and drive to one of my favorite spots where there are less electric lines, houses and some water to reflect the sky and capture the fast changing beauty of the day ending. Tonight I need to finish a watercolor and frame it to show at an upcoming funeral. It's a honor to be asked to do this, so it needs to be perfect.

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's a gorgeous day, sun is shining and I wish I was out taking photos of the spring flowers blooming instead of stuck in this office looking out the window. Reflecting on the weekend I spent with friends and family. Sadly saying goodby to a church family member and visiting another saint in the hospital who is not long for heaven. Painted a watercolor at church yesterday of God's hand holding onto a child's hand. As long as we are holding onto God's hand and letting Him lead the way, we'll be okay. He has a plan for my life that is so much bigger and exciting than I could even imagine.  This photo was taken several years ago in Hot Springs, Arkansas at the botanical garden there that my sisters and I visited during our annual Sister Weekend. I'll just imagine myself there today.