Thursday, March 22, 2012

The neighbor's tree was blooming so pretty on the first day of spring and I had to get out and photograph some flowers. I'm still learning how to use my macro lens, so I need lots of practice. The wind was blowing my red tulips too much to get a good shot. I couldn't believe they had popped out so fast when I had only noticed the buds that morning but it was in the 80's all day.
The redbud by the back shed is gorgeous, too. I can't believe how fast it has grown. The old redbud that was in the middle of the back yard had rotted out because of all the standing water in the spring. Now I need to replace the pink dogwood that died, too. I have no idea why it gave it up. We lost a dogwood and the apple tree to the tornado in 2000 and the two peach trees to the big ice storm a couple of years ago. The back yard still looks like a jungle, so why am I worried. lol I looked outside the bedroom window this morning and the lilac bush is in full bloom. I will have to bring some in to smell up the place. I love the smell of lilacs! It brings back fond memories of my childhood in Kansas. The redbud and dogwood remind of trips to the Ozarks to see the trees in the spring. Grandma and Grandad instilled in the love of travel and camping. Right now I'm looking forward to a trip to the Florida beach with our little camper, which is so much more sophisticated than the tent and dutch oven we used back then. Now I have a bathroom and TV and laptop and digital camera. I am so spoiled and loving it!

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